4:00 – Dinner Ticket / Membership Sales
4:30 – Technical Presentations
6:00 – Social Hour
7:00 – Dinner
Advanced Reservations: $35 each. Cutoff for advance reservations is April 16 at 4:00 pm. After this time, tickets are: $40 each (limited number available)
Email reservations to Mary Puskas at mpuskas@littlern.com OR mail to Ohio Rubber Group, PO Box 341, Bath, OH 44210
****Please turn off cell phones during the presentations****
“Chain Shuffling: A Synthetic Pathway to Multiblock Copolymers”
Abhishek Banerjee, Grad. Student in Polymer Science, The University of Akron, and 2023 Scholarship Winner
“Introduction to Transfer Molding Using ACM”
Ryan Furno, Sr. Materials Engineer, Sigmasoft
Rubber manufacturing companies are using transfer molding more and more. The goal of this presentation is to provide a basic understanding of how ACM material flows and cures and to suggest fixes for defects. This could be weld lines, air trap, scorched material or insert deformation.
“Development of Silica Filled Military Track Pads”
Lucas Dos Santos, Senior Research Associate, PPG Silica Products, and Chris Tolliver, Physical Scientist, Army
Rubber parts in U.S. Army Fighting Vehicles Track Systems are subjected to wear and require regular replacement. Replacement of the parts can be time consuming and can put the crew at danger if parts fail during combat situations. The goal of this project is to develop track pads with improved durability over the current approved pads. It was hypothesized that the mechanism of failure involves heat build-up and tear of the pads at elevated temperatures. PPG Agilon® silica has shown to provide reduced heat build-up over other available fillers in natural rubber-based compounds. Track pads were developed at PPG, scaled-up at AirBoss of America Corp. and tested at the U.S. Army Aberdeen Proving Grounds by GVSC on an A3 Bradley Fighting Vehicle. Track pads showed durability significantly above the qualification requirements.