Ohio Rubber Group
We promote the professional growth of those associated with local rubber and affiliated industries.


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A Special Thank You!

A special thank you to all our Officers and Committee members for their time and dedication to Ohio Rubber Group. 

More Info
Learn more about the history of the Ohio Rubber Group and how the organization evolved.
Our Next Event

… is the  Summer Golf Outing! Visit EVENTS for all the details. 

Find the latest Ohio Rubber Group news here
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You’ll find historical documents, meeting files and archived newsletter in the Resource & Learning Center.
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The Ohio Rubber Group has a long tradition of supporting The University of Akron. The ORG sees a need to increase the number of technical graduates that enter the rubber industry both in northeast Ohio and nationally.

Mission Statement

  • To provide educational programs, technical resources and other vital services for people associated with the rubber, plastics & polymer related industries.
  • Serve as a medium and forum for the communication of technical information that contributes to the professional growth of members and the disciplines in which they serve.
  • Providing a venue for individuals, institutions, affiliated industries and organizations to network and act upon issues and opportunities of common interest.
  • Provide opportunities for individual members to develop personally and professionally through participation in activities of the GROUP.


A Special Thank You to our Sponsors

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P.O. Box 553
Hudson, OH 44236